Quilt is in beta. Here be dragons - there may be issues, but we'll fix them as quickly as we can!

If you'd like to help us test Quilt, please feel free to install it, try it, and let us know how you get on!



Status: Partially Implemented

CurseForge does not currently support Quilt in their launcher, but they've stated they're planning on it. They do, however, support Quilt on the CurseForge website.

Thanks to Claycorp, RedBlue and Yamza for their help, as well as to everyone that supported our CurseForge Ideas suggestion. We couldn't have gotten this far without you!

Manual Installation

It is not currently possible to manually install Quilt into a CurseForge instance. Please show your support on the suggestion linked above if you'd like to see CurseForge adding Quilt to their services!


Please note that the following solutions are maintained by third party developers. We cannot guarantee their efficacy over time -- and, while we believe them to be entirely safe, we can't take responsibility for any issues caused by them.

Please remember to back up your worlds if you attempt to use the following solutions on an existing launcher profile!

If you can't wait for the CurseForge launcher to support Quilt, then kb1000 maintains one possible solution:

  1. Create a Forge profile
  2. Add JumpQuilt, which will hijack the Forge loading process to load Quilt instead
  3. Add your mods as usual
  4. Ensure you have also added the Quilted Fabric API/Quilt Standard Libraries bundle, which you can find on CurseForge

We're aware that this isn't an ideal solution for a number of reasons, especially given how mod browsing works in the CurseForge launcher. Please show your support on the suggestion linked above if you'd like to see a better solution!